Jeffrey David Montanye (Author)Buy my books on Amazon: Jeffrey David Montanye on Amazon

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Hey everybody, today is paperback book day! I guess someone doesn't want to see all books go electronic. So, it's
Today marks another book anniversary.  Photographer's Guide to the Mid-Hudson Valley, Second Edition was published on July 29th, 2017. July
In honor of National Carousel Day, I added a photo gallery of my favorite photography to my website. Take a
50 Clothespin Ornament Crafts was published on July 23rd, 2014. The book is a collection of fifty of my clothespin
Another great day is upon us, Mac and Cheese Day, based on the great Kraft Macaroni and Cheese we all
Why did your grandmother always put tassels on the corners of the blankets she made for you, or on pillows?
Today is Teddy Bear Picnic Day. I shot this photo of an abandoned teddy bear near New Paltz where the
Today, July 7th is World Chocolate Day. On April 1st, 2017, the FDA in conjunction with the USDA, declared that
Go and enjoy the fireworks!Take some great pictures. This picture won the grand award at the Ulster County Fair in
Maze Zing Junk Drawer Jewels Thirteen years ago today, I published my first book, MazeZing-Junk Drawer Jewels. My father had
Sometimes that cellphone camera lens is just too small for the job. So I went out and got a 22x
Today, June 29th is #NationalCameraDay. A day after my own heart. I started teaching #photography classes in September 2004. That
Oh, the agony! Every time someone dogears one of my #books I feel another kink in my spine. The corner
Have you ever taken your #cat #canoeing? He's not great with a paddle, but #Thumper went out with us a

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