
Hello everybody and happy Punch Day! Yes, today is the unofficial holiday that celebrates the famous party drink. It’s also Pepperoni Pizza day, but more importantly, it’s the day that my latest edition of Photographer’s Guide to the Mid-Hudson Valley has been listed on Amazon. It contains much of the information that I teach in my Photography classes at BOCES.

In other news, I am excited to report that I’ve started working on my newest book, Madison Kleigh and the Onyx Stone. I already have a couple of chapters written and hope to finish by the end of November. Since my time has recently been freed up, this should be an achievable goal. This story revolves around a young girl, eleven years old, who happens upon a very unique stone. Here’s the cover blurb:

A highly volatile stone accidentally falls into the hands of a young girl who quickly discovers it has a very unique power. Unaware of the stone’s full potential, Madison Kleigh uses it to help stop the local bullies from shooting innocent rabbits and birds, while all along a deep evil is brewing. And she’s not the only person who has an interest in the gem; an interest far more sinister than shooting small animals with BB guns. She finally realizes its true power when her father, destined to be the first man to step foot on Mars, has a life-threatening accident in space.

Aside from that, I will be at Thrall Library next Saturday, September 28th, with all my published books for sale and a few surprises. Come and preview all my work, even that which is unpublished. I will be there between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm along with my writing group, Lucia Chiarelli and Christina Cameron.

One more thing, I will be teaching self-publishing at BOCES starting Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 pm. The class is filling up fast, so register if you are interested: Register here

For details, visit my website: https://www.jeffreydmontanye.com. All this information is posted there and updated regularly. Thanks, and have a great day!

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