Pins and Needles

Today is Pins and Needles Day #PinsAndNeedlesDay.  This day was originally started to celebrate the Broadway Play of the same name but, I’m taking it the next level. I’ve forgotten how many safety pins are in this photo. Needless to say, there are a lot of them. I created this maze for my next #MazeZing book which never got published. To solve the puzzle, you start in the empty space in the center and search for a way out between the pins. This is one #maze that you will not find easier to navigate backward. Another challenge in this maze is to find your way to each of the larger broaches scattered throughout the #puzzle. And finally, can you find an object that is not a pin? Don’t get stuck! Pun intended.  Have fun and enjoy your day.

#JeffreyDMontanye #holidays

Photo and article by Jeffrey David Montanye

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