Underdog Day

Today is Underdog Day. This is not a reference to the cartoon character from the sixties. An #underdog is someone who is unlikely to come out ahead in contests, games, or life itself. A person who is expected to lose or fail. Many times it’s not even by the standards of others, but in our own heads.

Today celebrates the underdog. If that describes you, stand up, dust off those #awards and display them proudly. If it doesn’t describe you, then get out there, find the underdog, and lift him or her up. Awards may be in the form of trophies or ribbons, but not always. A simple acknowledgement, pat on the back, or hand shake is also an award. So, whatever it is you are good at, and there has got to be something, display it today in the best way you know how. And when you see someone doing a good job, award them. Comment on their talent. Encourage them so that they may blossom into a beautiful over achiever.

This year I am taking my own advice. I think I’m a good author. I have no experience, no training, and no contacts to back me up. I am an unknown, undiscovered, unsung, unnamed, unrecognized, unestablished, nobody. I even failed English class more than once. The number of books I’ve read in my life could be counted on two hands. Therefor, the chances of me being successful are far and remote. The only things I have to rely on are simply raw, natural talent and luck. I am an underdog in the publishing world, but still, I made it as a finalist in two prestigious writing competitions this year. With three novels ready to publish I am on my way. Don’t try to stop me. You’ll get run over and left in the dust.

Are you an underdog? This is your day. Go and seize it.

#JeffreyDMontanye #UnderdogDay
Article and photo by Jeffrey David Montanye

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