Snake Eyes

Today is Dice Day. I can’t say why, but I’ve always been fascinated by the little cubes since I was a kid. It may have something to do with my interest in creating games, but more than likely, my interest in creating games stemmed from my passion for #dice. They have been found in numerous archeological digs suggesting that they’ve been around as long as civilization itself. One of the oldest #BoardGames that is played with dice is the Royal Game of Ur found in Iraq in 1920 #RoyalGameOfUr. Modern versions of the game have been made. I use dice when I teach my #Photography classes. They make interesting subjects and are great for teaching techniques, like spot metering, single point focusing, white balance, depth of field, exposure compensation, histogram and more; plus they are very portable which makes hauling equipment back and forth to the classroom easy.


Photos and article by Jeffrey David Montanye

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