Seven Processes of Self-Publishing a Book

Seven Processes of Self-Publishing a Book

I like to make charts and diagrams of the things I learn, hence the chart above (or below). #SelfPublishing is a complicated process when you’re first learning it, but when you understand the flow, it’s not very difficult. I teach technology classes, so process numbers 3, 4, 5, and 7 came pretty easy for me. Step 1, writing the manuscript, is up to the writer; his/her talent and knowledge of writing. I’m still struggling with step 2, editing, so I hired a professional editor to handle that one. Currently, I’m plowing through step 6, marketing. I have a lot of learning to do here.

#OUBOCES has asked me to do some remote #classes this summer, so I’ve been putting together a remote classroom. I purchased a large white board and ordered a high quality webcam to prepare for it. One of the classes I will be teaching covers these seven steps. Keep watching here for the details.

Story, photo, and diagram by Jeffrey David Montanye

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