Jeffrey David Montanye (Author)Buy my books on Amazon: Jeffrey David Montanye on Amazon

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Self-Publishing Class starts next week, March 4th, 2020 at Orange-Ulster BOCES, 6pm-9pm. Come, join the class and learn how to
Happy Valentine's Day! Today is the day when we celebrate love and companionship. I just wanted to take a few
It's #GroundhogDay. I suppose there really wasn't much sense in hibernating at all this winter. It makes me wonder if
Tripped over the cat again! Happy #CreativityMonth #photography #JeffreyDMontanye #Thumper Photo by Jeffrey David Montanye
Today, January 16th, 2020, is appreciate a dragon day. We appreciate our mothers on mother's day, our fathers on father's
The book club at the Woodbury Library is reading my book, #MindChild, this month. On February 13th they will meet
It's time to learn how to use all the really cool features on that new digital camera you got for
One great way to advance your career as an independent author and sell more books is to win awards. It's
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody. Got roped into playing Santa at the family Christmas party this year. Jeffrey
It's flashlight day, so why the spider? Well, my friend, Mike and I like to hike around the #Shawangunk Mountains
Today is Underdog Day. This is not a reference to the cartoon character from the sixties. An #underdog is someone
The Owl Canyon Press short story contest winners have been announced. There were over 1300 stories submitted to the contest.
Stony Kill Falls This is one of my favorite pictures I had taken of the ice at Stony Kill Falls
New Book Arrival The Madison Kleigh Beta copies just arrived this morning. If you're one of my beta readers, you

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